ods graphics on; ***************************************************************************************** * Program Name : ordalpha.sas * * Purpose of Code : ordinal alpha reliability * * Author/Date : Modified by RH and KS, Dec 11 2015. * Based on Laura Ring Kapitula, Estimating ordinal reliability using SAS, * Paper 2042-2014. * http://www.sascommunity.org/wiki/Estimating_Ordinal_Reliability_Using_SAS%C2%AE * * Required edits include: dsname (and data), workdir, and progname. * Within datastep that sets up processing, be sure to name your items from q1 up, * and set the nitems value. ****************************************************************************************; %let progname=ordalph_setup; %let workdir=C:\projects\CAHPS_MC\PSC\ordinal_reliability; libname mydata "&workdir"; /* always output supporting file */ ods pdf file="&workdir\&progname..pdf"; footnote2 "Program Name: &progname..sas on %sysfunc(today(),mmddyy10.) %sysfunc(time(),time.)"; *************************************************************; ** rename items to q1-q.. and set nitems and ds(name); *************************************************************; DATA pfdata; SET mydata.pfdata; rename BATHING1 = q1 DRESSING1 = q2 EATING1 = q3 CHAIRS1 = q4 WALKING1 = q5 TOILET1 = q6; %let nitems=6; * number of items; %let ds=pfdata; * datasetname; RUN; *************************************************************; ** no changes beyond this point; %include "&workdir\ordalpha.mac" /nosource; *options macrogen mprint mlogic symbolgen; %ordalph(ds=&ds,items=q1-q&nitems);