Richard Bethlehem

Richard Bethlehem

Visiting Postdoc
Gonda 3309

Educational Background:

I conducted my PhD in Cambridge between 2013 and 2017, funded by the MRC, Pinsent Darwin Trust, and CHESS (Cambridge Home and EU Scholarship Scheme) studying the effects of oxytocin and testosterone administration on resting state and task neural activation in the typical and autistic brain.  

Research Project:

I currently am a Research Associate at the Autism Research Centre and collaborate with the Geschwind lab at UCLA to work on integrated Neuroimaging and Transcriptomics in order to gain better understanding of genetic underpinnings of atypical neurodevelopment. My work is graciously funded by the Autism Research Trust, Marmaduke Sheild Fund and a Parke Davis Exchange fellowship.  

Joined the lab: