
Hot Topic 2025 by Chien Lab (presented in 2025 International Stroke Conference)
  • Sequential cardiac and brain 4D Flow MRI in healthy individuals show positive correlation between aortic blood flow and cerebral blood flow pulsatility in internal carotid arteries and basilar artery.
  • Link

Christodoulou Lab: Cardiac 

MR physics, image reconstruction, and machine learning for cardiovascular diseases & cancer
  • Motion-resolved quantitative imaging
    • e.g. free-breathing, non-ECG cardiovascular imaging
  • Multidimensional quantitative imaging and signal modeling
  • Physics-informed deep learning image reconstruction

Christodoulou Lab: Cardiac Christodoulou Lab: Pancreas

  • Quantitative multi-parametric MRI for prostate cancer and placenta
  • Machine learning / deep learning algorithms for detection and characterization of body cancer (prostate and liver), post-cancer treatment toxicity-induced cardiac dysfunction


  • Neurochemistry, brain, breast, prostate, abdomen, cardiovascular, skeletal muscle
  • Human breast cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, prostate cancer, type 1 and type diabetes, HIV and comorbidity 
  • Multi-dimensional MR spectroscopic imaging techniques, brain, breast and cardiac MRSI, biochemical and anatomical correlates of cancer 


  • Quantitative prostate MRI
  • Quantitative liver MRI and MRE
  • MRI-guided interventions and therapies
  • Multi-dimensional qualitative and quantitative MRI for congenital heart disease
  • Accelerated free-breathing MRI techniques for cardiovascular and body applications
  • Tissue mechanics (strain imaging) and fluid mechanics (flow imaging) for cardiovascular diseases and other applications
