DG502- DLAM Guideline Shoes for Crews (SFC) program

The goal of this program is to provide high quality and slip-resistant “Shoes for Crews” shoes at a frequency of every 6-month during employment.

How to Place an Order:
Check with your supervisor to see if you are eligible to participate in the program.

1. Select shoes- https://www.shoesforcrews.com

water_drop For any employee working in a wet environment waterproof or water-resistant shoes are highly recommended.


2. Submit the following information to your supervisor

Style# Size & Width Employees Full Name Employee Work ID Number

Personnel participating in this program will follow these criteria:

Replacement shoes:

  • Shoes will be replaced every 6 months.
  • Return old shoes to the SFC Liason or Supervisor in exchange for a new pair.
  • Notify your Supervisor
    • Stolen
    • Lost
    • Damaged
    • Uncomfortable fit
    • Slip related Injury with shoes


Criteria for use of Shoes:

  1. Do not wear shoes outside of DLAM areas (i.e. home)
  2. Wear shoe covers when in animal runs (i.e. pig and dog runs)
  3. Wear shoe covers in Bio-containment
  4. Do not alter, modify, or damage the shoes
  5. Do not wear shoes pass the 6 month period
  6. Store shoes in your locker when not in use.