DLAM Quality Assurance Mission Statement
The DLAM Chief Quality Officer provides consultation and oversight to ensure all Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM) programs and areas of operation are in compliance and capable of withstanding regulatory review. Areas of focus include:
State and Federal regulations and guidelines
University policy
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - writing, and editing SOPs, and verification of compliance with the SOPs.
Training programs
Data collection methods
Certification of equipment
Environmental surveillance including programs for assessing cage washer and autoclave efficacy, and the testing of potable water
Safety, including OSHA and Cal-OSHA compliance, Injury and Illness Prevention Program, job and task safety analysis, accident investigation
Occupational Health requirements
Bio-Containment requirements and procedures
Emergency Response Plan
The DLAM Chief Quality Officer also participates on the UCLA School of Medicine Safety Committee and the UCLA Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).