


NIH Toolbox Vision-Targeted Health-Related Quality of Life Survey:

NIH Toolbox Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey
NIH Toolbox Vision-Targeted Health-Related Quality of Life Survey
Toolbox Vision Survey - Item and Response Option Sources


Retirement Knowledge Scale (RKS):

Planning for Retirement - retired: 

Planning for Retirement - not retired:

UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8)

Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA) Survey

The ERA-38 and ERA-12 were created with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Institute on Aging, and there is no fee for their use. It is requested that you use the following citation when you publish your findings using the ERA-12:


Sarkisian CA, Hays RD, Steers WN, Mangione CM. Development of the 12-item Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA-12) Survey. Gerontologist 2005;45(2):240-248.

When you publish your findings using the ERA-38 please cite: Sarkisian CA, Hays RD, Berry S, Mangione CM. Development, Reliability, and Validity of the Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA-38) Survey. The Gerontologist 2002;42:534-542.


12-item short version


38-item survey

The Kidney Disease Quality of Life Survey (KDQOL):

KDQOL™-36, KDQOL™ 1.3 and   KDQOL™ 1.2.
Surveys, scoring manuals and other materials are located here.
Update: RAND now hosts this information

Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life (MSQOL-54) Instrument:

MSQOL-54 instrument.pdf


abstracts for NEI-RQL papers and citations are now available here (note: you must first register to gain access and then click on the NEI tab). 

Peripheral Neuropathy Quality-of-Life Instrument-97

Vickrey, B.G., Hays, R.D., & Beckstrand, M.  (2000). Development of a Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Peripheral Neuropathy.  (2000). Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Vol 14(2), 93-104.

RAND-36 Health Status Inventory:
The RAND-36 manual is provided without charge courtesy of The Psychological Corporation.

Suggested citation: Hays, R.D., Prince-Embury, S., & Chen, H. (1998).  RAND-36 Health Status Inventory.  San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Download entire manual: R-36 entire book.pdf (135 pages)

or download section by section:
Title page - Table of contents - Introduction.pdf (12 pages)
Chapter 1.pdf (6 pages)
Chapter 2.pdf (8 pages)
Chapter 3.pdf (6 pages)
Chapter 4.pdf (4 pages)
Chapter 5.pdf (13 pages)
Chapter 6.pdf (5 pages)
Chapter 7.pdf (10 pages)

Appendix A.pdf (5 pages)
Appendix B.pdf (24 pages)
Appendix C.pdf (22 pages)
Appendix D.pdf (2 pages)
Appendix E.pdf (8 pages)
Appendix F.pdf (4 pages)
Appendix G.pdf (2 pages)
References.pdf (6 pages)


surveys, scoring manuals and other materials now available here (note: you must first register to gain access and then click on the SLEEP tab). 

UMGA - Unified Medical Group Association and The Patient's View on Health Care Questionnaire

5/16/2000: The Patient's View on Health Care Questionnaire (item 30 corrected on 1/20/05):

Spanish version

English version

12/21/2004: SAS™ code to derive patient satisfaction scales -

More on the Patient Satisaction Survey can be found here at RAND's website: