
Jasmine Zhou received an Eminent Scholar Award from the International Association for Intelligent Biology and Medicine.


We have been renewed as a member site of the NIH Translational Liver Cancer Consortium. In addition, we received a NIH award to participate in the NIH Liquid Biopsy Consortium. See UCLA News.


Our cfMethyl-seq paper has been published in Nature Communications. Congrats to Mary, Benny, Shuo, Wenyuan, and the whole team. This is a major work of our lab for the past five years! News highlight by UCLA newsGenome Web, ScieneDaily, Biocompare, and HemOnc Today.


We and our collaborators received a V Foundation grant to work on integrating molecular and imaging markers for lung cancer detection.


Our cfTrack paper was published in Clinical Cancer Research. Congrats Shuo and the team.


Welcome new PhD students Ran Hu and Ye Wang to join our lab.


Congratulations to Shuo Li and the team for publishing the cfSNV method in Nature Communications.


Congratulations to Mary Stackpole and Shuo Li for passing their PhD defenses with flying colors.


We and colleagues are awarded a NIH U01 grant to establish the UCLA Center for the Early Detection of Liver Cancer (News by UCLA, Los Angeles Business Journal, MyNewsLA and LA West Media).


Our BIG summer students, Emily Kobayashi and Jackie Roger, won the Best Poster award. Thanks to the excellent mentorship by Shuo Li.
hooding day


Our Paper on CancerDetector has been published in the journal Nucleic Acid Research. News highlight by Genome Web.


Happy hooding day for Hanjun, Qingjiao, and us all.
hooding day


Our Paper on CancerLocator has been published in the journal Genome Biology. Congratulations to the whole team, and especially Shuli! It has received a wide range of media coverage (e.g. Science Daily, FoxNews, World Breaking News, Yahoo!, GenomeWeb, PulseHeadlines, Huffingtonpost, UCLA News, Metro, Telegraph). Here is the media coverage summary. What really touching are emails from people, cancer patients and healthy individuals, offering their blood or help for our research. It really created a sense of urgency for us to push our research forward!