Favorite Links


Hays, R.D., Herman, P., Qureshi, N., Rodriquez, A., & Edelen, M. O.  (submitted).  How well do seven self-report measures represent underlying back pain impact?  Pain Management Nursing.
Supplemental File (6/29/23)

Hays, R.D., Qureshi, N., Herman, P.M., Rodriguez, A., Kapteyn, A., & Edelen, M.O. (2023).  Excluding Those Who Report Having "Syndomitis" or "Chekalism" Improves Health Survey Data Quality. (2/26/23)

Hays, R. D. (2021).  Problems with Turcotte et al. (2020, J of Orthopaedics) article. (1/7/21)



Hays, Ron D. Meeting Survival Tips.  (3/10/24 - moved 6/11/24)

NERD club transferrable skills: reviewers, rejections and responses (5/3/22):




How to create a better research poster in less time (10/22/20)
Making a better research poster (3/6/23)

Calculating my H-index with free available tools..  (7/6/22)

Biologist talks to a statistician : a biologist asks a statistician for help..  (12/12/18)

https://publons.com : Harness the power of peer review.
Publons helps you get the recognition you deserve for keeping watch over science and reserach.
Easily import, verify, and store a record of every peer review you perform and every manuscript you handle as an editor, for any journal in the world, in full compliance with all editorial policies. (7/20/18)

Publish or Perish: Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations presenting a variety of metrics.. (7/3/18)

The Death of a Study: A long-term study of childhood disease burned through $1.3 billion in taxpayer funds, only to be mothballed before it ever got off the ground.  Why? - 5/26/16  - Charles Schmidt. (7/2/18)

Southern California Health Center Uses AHRQ Surveys for Patient Feedback and Improvements (3/19/18)

Invited Commentary: Copyright Restrictions Versus Open Access to Survey Instruments (2017).
Hays, Ron D.; Weech-Maldonado, Robert; Teresi, Jeanne A.; Wallace, Steven P.; Stewart, Anita L.
Medical Care: Dec 14, 2017. (1/3/18)

Non-Stop link to video (updated 7/6/22)

Cabell's New Predatory Journal Blacklist: A Review (12/14/17)
More about deceptive/predatory publishing..

US Government takes on predatory publishers (8/29/16)
The Federal Trade Commission has filed a legal complaint against the OMICS Group for allegedly engaging in deceptive practices.

National Institutes of Health Public Access - Information about Journals and the NIH Public Access Policy (added 11/17/2009)

OMICS Goes from "Predatory Publishing" to "Predatory Meetings" (link updated 10/29/18)

Bogus Journal Accepts Profanity-Laced Anti-Spam Paper: the paper (link to article updated 1/9/18)

UCLA Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research: All about copyright (link updated 10/29/18)

Copyright protection ... is automatic upon creation of a copyrightable work. In other words, if you could have registered your copyright with the United States Copyright Office, but chose not to do so, you still own the work... Copyright registration becomes necessary if you wish to file a legal action against someone who is infringing upon your copyright.

Copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.

A work is only in the public domain if it is no longer under copyright protection or if it failed to meet the requirements for protection. A work created solely by the U.S. government (e.g., DMV manual) is in the public domain. To put a copyrighted work in the public domain requires an explicit written declaration by the parties involved.


8 Things to know before you get LASIK (9/3/16)

HHS announces new actions to combat opioid epidemic (link updated 10/29/18)

UC OKs paying surgeon $10 million in whistleblower-retaliation case (updated 10/26/2018)

Sources of Comparability Between Probability Sample Estimates and Nonprobability Web Sample Estimates:
William Riley, Ron D. Hays, Robert M. Kaplan, David Cella - Proceedings of the 2013 Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) Research Conference. (link updated 12/9/2014)

SEER-MHOS Linked Database outcomes.cancer.gov/surveys/seer-mhos/ (added 6/24/2013)

Engaging the Patient:
"Don't clap: the 99th percent is nothing." (link updated 10/29/18)
..story of how UCLA changed its culture from “you’re lucky to see us” to “we provide acts of kindness.”
"Satisfaction." (link added 10/29/18)

Back away from the Survey Monkey by James M. Donovan (link updated 10/29/18)
Optimize research results with an honest assessment of methodology.

Regression towards the mean or Why was Terminator III such a disappointment? by Martin Bland, Dept of Health Sciences, University of York. (added 9/13/2010)

Shannon Brownlee. (2008). Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine is Making us Sicker and Poorer. Bloomsbury USA. (read an excerpt at Amazon)
Learn more about Overuse at Overuse101 (links updated 3/1/2016)

SaveAndInvest.org - Free, unbiased financial information for military families and older investors (updated 7/6/22)


PROMIS  Reference Populations.  PROMIS measures use scores that have meaning.  A PROMIS score of 50 is the average (or mean) score for a specific, relevant group of people.. that group is the reference population (6/2/2021). 

Gender and Age Range Sub-norms for Adult PROMIS Measures Centered on the US General Census 2000. (6/3/2021).

Conducting Focus Groups (Community Tool Box, chapter 3, section 6), Kansas University Work Group for Community Health and Development, Community Tool Box (added 1/19/2017).

Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID): Defining Outcome Metrics for Orthopaedic Devices - Public Meeting, November 27-28, 2012. (download transcript) (posted 5/5/14)

CHIME: Center for Health Improvement for Minority Elders - Analysis core. (updated 8/24/20)

Interagency Working Group on Summary Measures of Health. (added 7/6/07, updated 1/3/11)

Friends of Orange County's Homeless Pets (added 1/5/07)

The Harry Guess Research Community - a virtual research community for pharmacoepidemiology, patient-reported outcomes, and pediatric therapeutics. (added 3/27/06; link updated 12/27/10 and 1/4/19)

KDQOL: Kidney Disease Quality of Life (link updated 10/8/2018)

Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) (updated 10/26/18)

RAND Health - Research - Surveys

Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research (updated 8/24/2020)

Ron Hays' web page at UCLA School of Public Health (updated 6/22/2015)

UCLA Center for Maximizing Outcomes and Research on Effectiveness (CMORE) (added 7/17/2010)

UCLA Department of Medicine Statistics CORE (added 11/17/2008)

Workshop on Question Evaluation Methods at National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville, Maryland - October 21-23, 2009. (added 9/3/2010)

Link to site: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/QBANK/QEM

Link to final program: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/QBANK/QEM/Final_Program_QEM.pdf


Patil, Vivek H., Surendra N. Singh, Sanjay Mishra,and D. Todd Donavan (2007), "Parallel Analysis Engine to Aid Determining Number of Factors to Retain [Computer software]. Available from http://smishra.faculty.ku.edu/parallelengine.htm; Utility developed as part of Patil, Vivek H., Surendra N. Singh, Sanjay Mishra, and Todd Donovan (2008), “Efficient Theory Development and Factor Retention Criteria: A Case for Abandoning the ‘Eigenvalue Greater Than One’ Criterion,” Journal of Business Research, 61 (2), 162-170.

Acer Aspire One BIOS Recovery http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1730554 (updated link 1/9/15)

Correlation Coefficients: Describing Relationships (added 7/27/2009)

Exploratory Factor Analysis - chapter by Ledyard R. Tucker and Robert C. MacCallum (added 6/30/2017)

Factor Analysis http://www.statisticalassociates.com (updated link (7/6/22)

Google kills 250,000 search links a week(added 6/1/2012)

Jane: Journal/Author Name Estimator(link updated 2/29/16)
Have you recently written a paper, but you're not sure to which journal you should submit it? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Or are you an editor, and do you need to find reviewers for a particular paper? Jane can help!

Randomization plan generator(added 7/13/2009)
Author: Gerard E. Dallal, Ph.D.

User's Guide for the Multitrait Analysis Program (MAP)
Hays, R. D., Hayashi, T., Carson, S., & Ware, J. E. (1988). User's Guide For The Multitrait Analysis Program (MAP). Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, N-2786-RC. (added 8/16/2010; link updated 12/27/10)

KAPPA: GraphPad Software - QuickCalcs on-line calculator for kappa. (added 4/27/2017)

Other Links

Stephen Link, J.D. from SIU School of Law

Criminal defense attorney here. Allow me to share with you my personal top ten “don't do these when being arrested” moments, all of which I have personally had to deal with from clients.
What is the biggest no-no when being arrested? (Top 10).

(added 8/8/2022)

Ticket Assassin (added 1/5/2009)

Honoring the Life of Maurice Staquet (1930-2013)

HealthMeasures: the latest life domain measurement tools to improve patient outcomes and strengthen research quality..
http://healthmeasures.net (added 12/09/2015)

LASIK Quality of Life Collaboration Project (added 11/03/2014)

APA Monitor: Sharing a PROMIS by Michael Price (link corrected 1/4/19)

Case Summary: Francis, Peter (link updated 3/1/2016)
U.S. Dept of Health &Human Services - Office of Research Integrity.

Hays County, Tx (link updated 3/1/2016)
".. an excellent location to live, work and visit."

Mike the PoeT
Mike Sonksen, also known as, Mike the Poet, is a 3rd-generation LA native acclaimed for poetry performances and published articles. Poet, journalist, historian, tour guide, and teacher, he graduated from the University of California Los Angeles and is currently pursuing an advanced degree at California State University Los Angeles.
https://twitter.com/MikethePoeTLA (twitter)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-sonksen-m-a-8482404 (LinkedIn)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IcaPfJ_Wlg(I am Alive in Los Angeles!)
https://myspace.com/mikethepoet (MySpace)
https://soundcloud.com/mikethepoet (SoundCloud)
(updated 10/29/2018)

UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship (added 8/24/2009)