M229 - 2024 Spring Quarter Schedule

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Course Syllabus


  Date Lecture Topic Reading and Assignments
#1 4/2 Tue

Introduction – Advanced MRI Techniques and Applications (by Dr. Kyung Sung)

Background, p.3-28
#2 4/4 Thu

RF Pulse Design – Adiabatic Pulses / MATLAB Demo (by Dr. Kyung Sung)
slides | notes

1.2 Rotating Reference Frame, p.21-28
6.2 Adiabatic Inversion Pulses, p.189-199
Review paper
#3 4/9 Tue

RF Pulse Design – Excitation k-space / MATLAB Demo
slides | notes
[Homework 1] due on 4/19 Fri

Small-tip approximation paper

5.4 Spatial-Spectral Pulses, p.153-163

#4 4/11 Thu Pulse Sequences – Rapid GRE
14.1 Gradient Echo, p.579-606
Review paper
#5 4/16 Tue Pulse Sequences – RARE / Bloch Simulation MATLAB demo
16.4 RARE, p.774-801
#6 4/18 Thu Pulse Sequences – Extended Phase Graphs (EPG) / MATLAB demo
[Homework 2] due on 4/29 Mon
Review paper
#7 4/23 Tue Fast Imaging – EPI, PROPELLER
16.1 Echo Planar Imaging, p.702-739
17.5 Projection Acquisition, p.915-919
#8 4/25 Thu Fast Imaging – Non-Cartesian Sampling I
17.5 Projection Acquisition, p.897-927
17.6 Spiral, p.928-954
#9 4/30 Tue Fast Imaging – Non-Cartesian Sampling II
13.2 Gridding Reconstruction, p.506-521
13.5 Phase Difference Reconstruction, p.558-567
17.6 Spiral, p.946-952
#10 5/2 Thu Project Discussion
[Project proposal] due on 5/10
[Project abstract] due on 6/7
ISMRM Week (no lectures)
#11 5/14 Tue

Image Reconstruction – Partial k-space (by Dr. Kyung Sung)
slides | notes

13.4 Partial Fourier Reconstruction, p.546-557
#12 5/16 Thu Image Reconstruction – Parallel Imaging (by Dr. Kyung Sung)
slides | notes
Multi-coil Recon
#13 5/21 Tue

Image Reconstruction – Compressed Sensing (by Shu-Fu Shih)
slides | code

Sparse MRI
Review paper on CS MRI
#14 5/23 Thu

Image Reconstruction – Deep Learning (by Shu-Fu Shih)

Review paper
#15 5/28 Tue Advanced Application Topic - Quantitative MRI (by Dr. Fei Han)  
#16 5/30 Thu

Susceptibility Imaging (by Dr. Jingwen Yao)

#17 6/4 Tue

Motion (by Dr. Anthony Christodoulou)

#18 6/6 Thu Advanced Application Topic - Lung MRI (by Dr. Lea Azour)
Final Project

6/7 Fri

Final Project Abstract Due



6/11 Tue

Final Project Presentation (10 min + 10 min Q&A)